Fàilte. Hello and welcome to my website.
I am a professional artist based on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland.
Living in the Hebrides has a wild, elemental quality to it and my relationship with the landscape I now live and work in, is at the heart of my practice. I am interested in engaging with the landscape, not just looking at it and my artwork is born from this embodied engagement, meaning sunlight, rain and botanical specimens collected locally from land and sea are integral to both my image making process and the final results.
I am a Gaelic learner and the rich cultural history of the Hebrides also informs my research.
I have been practising as an artist in Scotland for over 30 years, since graduating from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee with a (1st Class) Degree in Drawing and Painting. I am a Professional member of The Society of Scottish Artists and exhibit nationally and internationally. I have won a number of Awards for my work and have work held in both public and private collections, including acquisitions of my artist books by The Tate Gallery and National Galleries of Scotland.
Most of the limited edition prints and artist books on this website are for sale. You can buy my work throughout the year from a number of Galleries. Please email if you would like to know where I am currently exhibiting.
I have just set up a shop page on this website where you can buy a limited number of original prints, artist books and a bundle of cards, online directly from me at the studio, at the click of a switch.
a beautiful conflation of Japanese minimalism and western abstraction