As I settle into the Lewis landscape and feel into exactly how I’d like to work with it, within my practice, I am a working with the cyanotype process exploring the Lewis sun-light as a drawing medium.

Cyanotype, often called “blueprint” is a process whereby specially mixed chemical ink is brushed onto the paper and then the image is created by carefully laying botanical specimens or objects onto the paper under direct Hebridean sunlight, here on the island.

When the objects are removed and the image is submerged into water the paper turns a cyan blue colour, leaving an imprint of the natural objects in much the same way as an experience may leave an imprint in our consciousness, as a memory. Initially I was drawn to using this process in a very simple, pared down way, carefully composing a repetitive number of botanical specimens. More recently, I have started to bring my love of mixed media into the work. Watch this space. I am still exploring.

Please see my blog ” Bog Cotton-A Journey into Cyanotypes” for more details about this work.

Embossed Cyanotype I 26 x 26 cm £200
Embossed Cyanotype II 26 x 26 cm £200
Tuiteam (Falling) Varied edition Cyanotype (38x 38cm)  £220 unframed
Study V - Cyanotype 15 x 21 cm  £125
Study VI - 15 x 21 cm (unfraned) £125
Study VI 15 x 21 cm (unframed) £125
Circle II 22x 22cm (mounted) £110
Circle I 22 x 22cm (mounted) £110
Sealines 38 x 38 cm (unframed) £220
Costag Fiadhain (Hogweed) Varied edition Cyanotype (38x 38cm)  £220 unframed
Canach (Bog Cotton) Varied edition Cyanotype (38x 38cm)  £220 unframed
Feanil (Fennel) Varied edition Cyanotype (38 x 38 cm) £220   unframed

The Callanish Stones are such an iconic landmark on Lewis and a place I love to spend time. In this image I wanted to move away from the many steriotypical images of the stones and portray them as an interconnected line of dancing calligraphic marks. This is a limited edition, hand printed screenprint.

Calanis (Callanish) Limited edition Screen print  42 x 26 cm  £220 unframed

Having used Circles abstractly, in many ways in my work over the years, I am enjoying exploring elements of the Hebridean Landscape through the circular format, via drawing, painting and prints. Sometimes it’s the striation in the Gneiss rock that captivates me, at other times the layers in the moorland and peat bogs.

Still playing at the moment and more of the fantstic hebridean colours  coming soon…


Clach (Rock)  I, Watercolour 15 x 15 cm
Clach (Rock) II, Water Colour 15 x 15 cm
Clach (Rock) III, watercolour 15 x 15 cm
Gneiss I , Watercolour 15 x 15 cm
Gneiss II, Water Colour 15 x 15 cm
Gneiss III, watercolour 15 x 15 cm



Moorland, Limited edition Collograph
Earthlines, Limited edition Collograph 15 x 15 cm
Earthlines II, Limited edition Collograph 15 x 15 cm